The Bosnian and Herzegovinian Muslim Program
Scheduled on
Sunday | 7:00 pm | 9:00 pm |
Bosnia - Herze-govina Muslim Program
Tagged as: Ethnic
The Bosnian and Herzegovinian Muslim Program
This ethnic radio in the Bosnian language broadcasts a linguistically and culturally appropriate program that informs and educates listeners and promotes and values the multicultural nature of Australia.
Regular content includes informative segments about: current affairs from Bosnia and Australia, information relevant to the local Bosnian community in Adelaide, Bosnian religion, culture and tradition including traditional music.
Since August 1993 this radio program has been on air every Sunday evening from 7pm to 9pm from PBA-FM 89.7 Salisbury, as beneficial and valuable source of information for the most of the Bosnian born migrants as well as other people who understand the Bosnian language.
Program is supported by the CBF through specialist program funding.